Predictions for Grazing Occultation of ZC 1649, 2013 Jun 16, near Perth

Graze profile
Grazing Occultation of    1649 K3      Magnitude 6.1 [Red = 5.3]   
Date: 2013 Jun 16 10h  8m,  to  2013 Jun 16 10h 31m

Nominal site altitude 50m

E. Longit.   Latitude     U.T.    Sun  Moon   TanZ   PA    AA      CA
   o  '  "    o  '  "   h  m  s   Alt Alt Az          o     o      o
 112  0  0  -30  8  0  10  8 10   -6  60   4  0.58  32.5   8.45   9.13N
 112 30  0  -30 27 26  10  9 42   -7  60   2  0.59  32.5   8.40   9.07N
 113  0  0  -30 46 43  10 11 14   -8  59   1  0.59  32.4   8.34   9.01N
 113 30  0  -31  5 51  10 12 44   -9  59 359  0.60  32.4   8.27   8.95N
 114  0  0  -31 24 49  10 14 14  -10  59 357  0.61  32.3   8.21   8.88N
 114 30  0  -31 43 38  10 15 43  -11  58 356  0.62  32.2   8.13   8.81N
 115  0  0  -32  2 15  10 17 11  -11  58 354  0.63  32.2   8.06   8.74N
 115 30  0  -32 20 42  10 18 38       58 353  0.64  32.1   7.98   8.66N
 116  0  0  -32 38 57  10 20  4       57 351  0.65  32.0   7.90   8.57N
 116 30  0  -32 57  1  10 21 30       57 350  0.66  31.9   7.81   8.49N
 117  0  0  -33 14 53  10 22 54       56 348  0.67  31.8   7.72   8.40N
 117 30  0  -33 32 33  10 24 17       56 347  0.68  31.7   7.63   8.31N
 118  0  0  -33 50  0  10 25 39       55 345  0.69  31.6   7.54   8.21N
 118 30  0  -34  7 16  10 27  0       55 344  0.70  31.5   7.44   8.12N
 119  0  0  -34 24 18  10 28 19       54 343  0.71  31.4   7.34   8.02N
 119 30  0  -34 41  8  10 29 38       54 341  0.73  31.3   7.24   7.91N
 120  0  0  -34 57 45  10 30 56       54 340  0.74  31.2   7.13   7.81N

Path coordinates are referred to WGS84 (as used by GPS), with the
nominal site altitude being referenced to Mean Sea Level.

Projected diameter of star  5 meters  [Estimated]

                Librations  Long -7.65   Lat +5.00
                            P +7.23     D -5.74
      Illumination of moon  47%+
        Elongation of Moon  86
    Vertical Profile Scale  2.12 km/arcsec at mean distance of moon
   Horizontal Scale Factor  1.29 deg/min

At longitude 116.00:
Limiting Magnitudes for various telescope apertures (in cm)
      CA\Tdia   5    10    15    20    25    30    35
     4.6      5.9   7.4   8.2   8.7   9.1   9.4   9.6
     6.6      5.9   7.4   8.2   8.7   9.1   9.4   9.6
     8.6      5.9   7.4   8.2   8.7   9.1   9.4   9.6
    10.6      5.9   7.4   8.2   8.8   9.1   9.4   9.7
    12.6      5.9   7.4   8.2   8.8   9.2   9.5   9.7

Results of Observer Scan                                    UT
Site                              Long.   Lat.   Dist.    h  m  s
Albany                            117.8  -35.0   115km   10 25 11
Hobart                            147.3  -42.9   235km   11 16 28
Perth                             115.9  -32.0    55km   10 19 39


Lunar Limb Profile

Lunar Limb Profile