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2005 APRIL 13

A 1.6 second occultation was recorded by Stefan Buda in Victoria, Australia..

View the updated prediction.

  1    S. Buda, St Kilda East, Australia    
  2(M) D. Herald, Woden, ACT, Australia     
  3(M) D. Gault, Hawkesbury Hts, Australia  

(M) = miss.

Tamara occultation - 2005 April 13

The circle represents the predicted 93 km diameter of Tamara.


Stefan's 1.6 second occultation seen from St Kilda (Melbourne) indicates that he was near either the northern or southern limit of the track. No other observations were reported from Victoria, although the path also passed a little south of ACT where David Herald recorded a miss, and across southern NSW where Dave Gault also recorded a miss.

Observational Data:

Observer's Name                  : Stefan Buda
Aperture (cm)                    : 20
Focal length (cm)                : 120
Type (e.g. SCT; Newtonian)       : Dobsonian
Magnification                    : 40
Observing site name              : Raglan Street Observatory
Longitude (East +ve)             : 144:59:38E 
Latitude (South -ve)             : 37:51:54S  
Height above Sealevel (metres)   : ? 
Geodetic Datum (e.g.WGS84,NZ1949): WGS84 (used
Height Datum (if known)          : ?
Sky Transparency (Delete two)    : Variable   
Star Image Stability (Delete two): Good  
Other Conditions:  
     (Wind, Clouds, Lights, etc.): thin cloud
Time Source (e.g. WWV, GPS)      : wwv (10MHz)
Recording method (e.g. tape)     : tape
Could you see the Asteroid?      : no
Approx. Limiting Magnitude       : 11.2
                                          | Estimated  |
                           Universal Time | Reaction   | Accuracy, Remarks
                              h  m  s     | Time (sec) | 
Started Observing          : 13:12:00
Disappearance At           : 13:16:57.56
Reappearance At            : 13:16:59.12
Stopped Observing          : 13:19:00

Was your reaction time (also known as Personal Equation) subtracted from 
any of the above timings?  : NO

Observer's Name                  : Dave Herald
Aperture (cm)                    : 36
Focal length (cm)                : 360
Type (e.g. SCT; Newtonian)       : SCT
Magnification                    : 
Observing site name              : Kambah
Longitude (East +ve)             : 149 03 49.0
Latitude (South -ve)             : -35 23 49.3
Height above Sealevel (metres)   : 583
Geodetic Datum (e.g.WGS84,NZ1949): WGS84
Height Datum (if known)          : 
Sky Transparency (Delete two)    : Good  
Star Image Stability (Delete two): Good
Time Source (e.g. WWV, GPS)      : WWV
Recording method (e.g. tape)     : Video
Could you see the Asteroid?      : Clearly visible on video
Approx. Limiting Magnitude       : 12+
                                          | Estimated  |
                           Universal Time | Reaction   | Accuracy, Remarks
                              h  m  s     | Time (sec) | 
Started Observing          : 13 13
Star and Object Merged     : 13 19

ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Clear and definite miss.

Observer's Name                  : Dave Gault
Aperture (cm)			 : 25
Focal length (cm)		 : 122
Type (e.g. SCT; Newtonian)	 : EQ Newtonian
Magnification			 : PC164C at newtonial focus
Observing site name		 : Dave's Skyshed
Longitude (East +ve)		 : 150 38.4637
Latitude (South -ve)		 : -33 39.8663
Height above Sealevel (metres)	 : 286
Datum				 : WGS84 and MSL
Sky Transparency 		 : Good
Star Image Stability		 : Good
Other Conditions		 : Perfect conditions
Time Source (e.g. WWV, VNG)	 : GPS
Recording method (e.g. tape)	 : KIWI
Could you see the Asteroid?	 : Yes
Approx. Limiting Magnitude	 : 13.0
				 : UT Time	|  PE	| Accuracy	| Remarks
Started Observing		 : 13:05
Star and Object Merged		 : 13:13
Star and Object Separated	 : 13:19
Stopped Observing		 : 13:25

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