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2006 FEBRUARY 18

A 1.10 second occultation was timed using video by Dave Gault at Hawkesbury Heights, NSW.

There was no updated prediction for this event. View the original prediction

  1    D. Gault, Hawkesbury Hghts, Australia

Alphonsina occultation - 2006 February 18


The circle above is plotted at the expected 54km diameter of Alphonsina.

With only one chord it is not possible to deduce Dave's location with respect to the centre line of the event.

Observational Data:

Observer's Name                  : Dave Gault
Aperture (cm)                    : 25
Focal length (cm)                : 122
Type (e.g. SCT; Newtonian)       : EQ Newtonian
Magnification                    : N/A
Observing site name              : Dave's Skyshed
Longitude (DD MM SS ; East +ve)  : 150 38 27.8
Latitude (DD MM SS ; South -ve)  : -33 39 52.0
Height above Sealevel (metres)   : 286
Geodetic Datum (e.g.WGS84,NZ1949): WGS84 
Height Datum (if known)          : MSL
Sky Transparency (Delete two)    : Poor
Star Image Stability (Delete two): Fair
Other Conditions:  
     (Wind, Clouds, Lights, etc.): Twilight
Time Source (e.g. WWVH, GPS)     : GPS-KIWI
Recording method (e.g. tape)     : Video
Could you see the Asteroid?      : NO
Approx. Limiting Magnitude       : 11.1
                                          | Estimated  |
                           Universal Time | Reaction   | Accuracy, Remarks
                              h  m  s     | Time (sec) | 
Started Observing          : 18:58
Disappearance At           : 19:03:00.96	N/A	+/- 0.02
Reappearance At            : 19:03:02.06	N/A	+/- 0.02
Stopped Observing          : 19:06


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