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OCCULTATION OF TYC 0368-01463-1 BY 747 Winchester
2008 May 27

Two positive observations were recorded by Jonathan Bradshaw and David Breadsell.

View the updated prediction.

  1(C) P Anderson, Taylor Range Obs,Qld, AU 
  2    D Breadsell,Toowoomba, QLD, AU       
  3    J Bradshaw,Samford, QLD, Au          
  4(P) Predicted 26 Apr                     

Winchester occultation - 2008 May 27


The elipse above is plotted at close to the same area as the expected 171 km diameter of Winchester. The two chords suggest that the center line was a little south of all three observers. From the plot it looks as if Peter may have seen the event but as times are very uncertain they are not used in the analysis.

The figure below shows the light curve observed by Jonathan as analysed by Limovie software. Despite poor conditions he was able to extract good data.

Winchester occultation - 2008 May 27

Observational Data:

Observation details for MP (747) Winchester
By Star              TYC 0368-01463-1 
On 2008-05-27  at 11:45:12.0


Observer   Peter Anderson
Location   Taylor Range Observatory,Qld, AU
Longitude  +152:56:1.5
Latitude   -27:27:47.6
Altitude   176 m
Datum      WGS84
Telelscope Newtonian
Apperture   41 cm
Seeing     Steady Thin cloud < 2
Timing     Radio broadcast - calibrated Visual, PE applied


Comments: The target star was located shortly after 11hrs. 
Conditions were such that 
I used low magnification (X98) so that brighter 
stars remained in the field for orientation
purposes. When it was briefly 
clear, the star was easily bright enough to monitor.  
However during the 
monitoring period the target star was not visible except for the 
key period 
between 11hrs 47min and 11hrs 48min when it flickered in and out of visibility. 

Perhaps there was an event around 11hrs 47min 45sec because it was not 
seen for about
15 seconds, but it could just have easily been cloud.
Most unsatisfactory!

[From the plot it looks as if Peter may have seen the event but as times are very
uncertain they are not used in the analysis - jt]


Observer   Jonathan Bradshaw
Location   Samford, Queensland, Australia
Longitude  +152:52:22.7
Latitude   -27:21:22.8
Altitude   95 m
Datum      WGS84
Telelscope Dobsonian
Apperture   50 cm
Seeing     Steady Thick cloud > 2
Timing     GPS - time inserted Video with frame analysis
Disappearance  11:47:44.50
Reappearance   11:47:53.50
Comments: Shocking conditions and covered by thick high cloud. I cranked the 
GSTAR-EX camera up to 12x (6 frame) integration, and managed to record the event. 
I have subtracted 120ms which is my estimate of the camera lag, but the margin of error may be high.


Observer   David B Breadsell
Location   Toowoomba
Longitude  +151:55:37.4
Latitude   -27:35:58.4
Altitude   730 m
Datum      WGS84
Telelscope Dobsonian
Apperture   25 cm
Seeing     Steady Clear
Timing     Stopwatch Visual, PE applied
Disappearance  11:47:49.60
Reappearance   11:48:00.00
Comments: Perfect conditions. Best possible visual observation.

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