MINOR PLANET OCCULTATION TEXT REPORT FORM V1.0c (View this form in a non-proportional font - e.g. Courier 10pt) Occultation Recorded : Positive (Positive or Negative) Planet (Number Name) for MPs : 106 Dione Star Name (Catalog number) : UCAC2 21161679 Eg. (TYC xxxx-xxxxx-x) (HIP xxxxx) (UCAC2 xxxxxxxx) Was this a Second Star ? (Y or N) : N Date (U.T.C.) (yyyy-mmm-dd) : 2008-Jun-03 Predicted Time (U.T.C.) (hh:mm:ss) : 19:23:00 Observer's Name : John Broughton Telephone (include city code) : 617 5522 1119 Postal Address : 18 Branch Crescent, Address cont.(City/Town,State,Country): Reedy Creek, QLD 4227, Australia E-mail Address Mailto: reedycrk@bigpond.com Observing site name : 428 Reedy Creek Longitude (DD MM SS.S) East +ve : +153 23 52.8 Latitude (DD MM SS.S) South -ve : -28 06 30.3 Height above Sealevel (xxx m or ft) : 66 m Geodetic Datum (e.g.WGS84,NZ1949) : WGS84 GPS produces WGS84 Height Datum (if known) : TELESCOPE DETAILS: Aperture (xxx cm or xxx in) : 025 cm Focal length (xxx cm or xxx in) : 169 cm Magnification (blank if using VidCam) : Type Instrument (one of below) : SCT Newtonian SCT including Cass and Mak Refractor Dobsonian Binoculars no optical aid other - specify below CONDITIONS: Sky Transparency (One of below) : Clear Clear Fog Thin cloud < 2 Thick cloud > 2 Broken cloud Star faint Averted vision Star Image Stability (One of below) : Steady Steady Slight flickering Strong flickering Other Conditions : (Wind, Clouds, Lights, etc.) Temperature (xx C or xx F) : 15 C TIMINGS: (Please report in Universal Time UTC) Time Source : Tape Recorder + time signal + shutter GPS - time inserted GPS - other linking Video + audio time signal Tape Recorder + time signal Eye-Ear + time signal Stopwatch Radio broadcast - calibrated Other specify Recording method : Drift scan Visual, PE applied Visual, standard PE applied Visual, no PE applied Video with frame analysis Video, photo or photoelectric Only duration timed Drift scan Preliminary only Could you see the Asteroid? (Y or N) : N Approx. Limiting Magnitude : 13.5 OBSERVATION TIMES: Universal Time|Reaction PE|Accuracy|Remarks FORMAT TO USE--> : hh:mm:ss.sss |ss.ss |s.ss|text Started Observing : 19:22:30.24 | 0 | 0.01| Star and Object Merged : Disappearance At : 19:23:04.46 | 0 | 0.11 | Was this a Miss ? (Y or N) : N Estimated Closest Approach : if Miss and could see MP. Reappearance At : 19:23:05.57 | 0 | 0.11| Star and Object Separated : Stopped Observing : 19:23:30.72 | 0 | 0.01 | Please provide Reaction and Accuracy estimates for D and R. Not required for other lines. Start and Stop times are useful if observation is continuous to note when possible moons might have been seen. Was your reaction time (also known as Personal Equation) subtracted from any of the above timings? (Y or N) : If YES, state value : If you could tell, in which direction did the asteroid pass relative to the star : North, South, East, Or West If possible, estimate the DISTANCE OF CLOSEST APPROACH in arc seconds : List all Interruptions to Observing: FROM TO REASON ( hh:mm:ss - hh:mm:ss _____________________) Break 1: Break 2: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: (free text) : A clearly positive result from a magnitude 12.5 occultation. : The measured duration of 1.11 is remarkably short (9%) compared with the : maximum duration of 12 seconds. Supporting a grazing occultation scenario : where the star passed within 1km of the edge of Dione is the fact : that the event occurred only 5 seconds later than prediction. : On the other hand, if the occultation was caused by a Dione satellite, : then the best guess for its diameter is 17km, which represents a body : 27% longer than the length of this random chord. : I should also mention that the apparent second gap in the trail : on the right is actually the end of the trail and beginning of another. _______________________________________________________________________